2025 Vibes To Ring in the New Year - A Zine
In which I share a zine of my new vibes checklist for 2025 and now I will carry it in my pocket
To resolution or not to resolution, that is always the question at the end of the year and beginning of the new. I’m not inherently against them, only in the sense that if it’s something you’re “supposed to do,” that means I’m probably out. Never really liked authority and all that. But I can’t help the mindset, or the allure of “New Year, New Me.” Even last year, I pondered it.
But a zine in the form of reminders to myself about the vibes I want to take into the new year? That I can do. Reminders, mantras, vibe check, daily affirmations - call them what you will. And so, I present to you, my latest zine, aka the 8 hours of my life that I spent in the last day delightfully sifting through magazines, cutting and pasting.
My old self is yelling at me for the inefficiency of such a ridiculous task - “You WILL get carpel tunnel,” she whispers gleefully in my ear. "What a waste of time.”
“That’s not nice old self. Read the zine, maybe you’ll learn something,” I reply, haughtily,
I’ve been trying to convince myself of this for years. That’s why I put it on the cover. Because apparently, I am still learning this lesson.
Trying to fulfill the universe’s request to get grounded.
It used to feel so inauthentic to talk nicely to myself, because I was always so mean inside my head. I’m practicing and when She rears her ugly talk, I really notice now. It’s actually quite shocking the things she says.
This is the hill I will defend with my whole being. For me, curiosity is the the spark of life. Without it, this would be a very dull place indeed.
In the aftermath of last year (aka, the year that was 2024, aka the election) this is where I’m focussing my energy - towards local activism, the environment around me, and my art here. How can I create, grow, and nurture local connections and community?
Also a big lesson I’ve been working on. I was taught to tuck my feelings away and deal with them in private. Which meant I didn’t know what to do with them, so I just shoved them down. Until they exploded, that is. We’re working on this one. (We, as in me and all my alter egos).
I’m not reinventing the wheel or anything, but it’s a reminder to myself that learning new skills and working on new ideas doesn’t happen in a day, or a week, or a year. It takes a long time, and I’m trying to treat them more like a giant 10,000 piece puzzle rather than a critical solution like fixing the air filtration system on Apollo 13. [I’m convinced this moment in engineering history/space travel is what encouraged me to become an engineer.]
I had a major revelation this fall while waiting to go for a hike. I was so anxious to get going that I was frustrated we weren’t already there. And so, I’ve decided that’s a stupid way to be. So rather than holding back the fun and the joy until the moment arrives, I’m going to enjoy myself along the way to the thing. Also after the thing. Thinking about the thing. Prepping for the thing. And even when I’m not doing the thing.
Now I gotta go modge-podge this thing so it all stays together. Gonna put it somewhere accessible that I can see often so that I remember all my wonderful words of wisdom. Six months from now when I find this in my wallet, I’ll think, “She was so smart.”
You can print out the Zine from this PDF below, then follow the instructions from Austin Kleon about how to fold, cut, and then turn it into a booklet.
Other Pearls of Wisdom that Didn’t Make the Cut
I came up with 19 mantras, but these 1 page zines are only 8 pages, so a lot of them didn’t make the cut. And while I think they are all wise and true, I felt like the above 8 were the ones I wanted to work on this year. 19 is way too many anyhow, but maybe one of these works for you?
Pay attention and you will be awed.
Fully Body Yeses Only.
Assume the best of people.
Take breaks, rest, allow your mind to wander and recover. New connections result when you reset.
When in doubt, pause.
You have all the time in the world. Also, every second counts.
Ask more questions, and listen carefully.
The very nature of dreams is that they morph & change.
Find something to run towards, rather than run away from.
**Stop hating people** I thought about not including this one because it’s more of an admonishment than an inspiring solution. But I really am trying to do this…
This is all I needed today (and in 2025 for that matter) <3 Thank you very much!