100 Cold Wax Paintings - Seeking Patrons for New Project
In which I launch a new project in a new medium and ask for patrons to follow along.
I’ve fallen in love. It’s been a secret love affair for many months. At first, I just got my toes wet. Was it for me? I wasn’t quite sure. I spent this last winter and spring dabbling, experimenting, flailing, even. But I was encouraged and just a couple weeks ago, I fully made a commitment and decided to jump right on in.
You see, I’ve fallen in love with a new medium. Cold Wax, in fact.
[Insert shock and surprised faces. Gasps. Tears. Cries of horror?]
No really, it’s ok. I’m ok. I’m great actually.1 And I can’t wait to show you. I feel like I did when I first found encaustic - like the whole world is open to me, like I’ve opened a portal inside my brain to another dimension, like I discovered a new language that finally has all the words I want to describe what I see, like the world was black and white before and I just got a color tv.2

Last October, I took a workshop to learn Cold Wax Medium with the amazing Stacy Phillips - she’s an incredible teacher in so many ways and is worth traveling for to take her classes. It was a whirlwind 3 days where I watched, listened, learned, experimented and left completely overwhelmed, but so very intrigued. Then over these last 6 months, I dabbled as I waited for my encaustics to cool, or warm up, or dry. Well, perhaps 50 paintings isn’t dabbling, I don’t know, but I tried so many things. Some were weird, some were great, some were terrible, some had promise. I shared them with very few people. I didn’t yet know what I liked and what I didn’t like. It also felt illicit, like I was cheating on my first love.
I should have told you all about this before. I hinted at it briefly, but just didn’t know how to tell you. Look, I’m not quitting my encaustics, just to be clear. In fact, I just started working on my new solo show for Gallery MAR last week and am very excited about the new work. BUT, I feel like it’s siren’s song calling me, enticing me, pulling me into it’s lush shores. I’m not going to crash the ship, but I do want your help.
Jump In, the Water is Fine.
I would like to take you on this journey with me - to pull you in, to let you hear the siren song for yourself. So here’s my pitch - I’m looking for Patrons, and I just turned on paid subscriptions as an experiment while I create 100 cold wax paintings over the next couple months.3 As I make these paintings, my Patrons (you, hopefully!) will get a couple posts a month detailing my progress. Finished shots of the works, in process shots/videos, me explaining how the heck I’m making these, all about the medium, what inspires me along the way, and more. And please, tell me what you want to see as well.
At the end of the project I will have completed 100 new 5x5 inch paintings, which will then be available for sale. Paid subscribers, or Patrons, as I’m calling you, will get a discount and first dibs on purchasing the work. You will also get to vote on your favorites to be used in my 2025 calendar.
Patrons can receive these exclusive posts by subscribing for $5 a month or $50 for the whole year. You can cancel at anytime, although if you cancel before the art sale, you miss out on first dibs and the discount. And helping me choose which paintings for the calendar. So you know, your loss.
This is a reader-supported publication. Come along on my art journey and support my work. Some free posts and some for paid patrons.
I’ve Already Started
Of course, I’ve already started. I’m doing this project regardless. I’m fortunate enough to have the time and resources to fund my own experimental side projects, BUT I think it might be a cool experiment to bring you into the fold. To let you see behind the curtain, and to get you excited about it as well. I’m still learning - always learning, but this new love affair has a hold on me, and I think you’re gonna love it to.

I’m certain you’re asking at this moment, “But Bridgette, what even is Cold Wax?!?”
Gentle Reader, please imagine for one second if somehow the medium of encaustic got jiggy with the medium of oil, and then they had an ooey, gooey, luscious, bold, creative, colorful baby. Imagine that baby then is capable of building up both transparent and opaque layers, that can then be scraped down, or dug into, wiped away, covered, collaged, embedded, spread, or rolled. At the same time, I can paint in all the colors, creating depth, texture, and richness all while being able to paint whatever the heck I want. AND THEN, as if it couldn’t get any better, I can incorporate almost any other medium I like into the process.4
There will be detail, there will be abstraction, there will be atmosphere, and ethereal qualities like you’ve never seen. I tell you, it’s a dream.
But if you want to know more, you’ll have to sign up to be a paid subscriber, aka a Patron. I made the bar to entry as low as Substack would let me - they literally won’t let me charge less than $5 a month. You don’t need to pay for a yearly membership if you don’t want to, and you can cancel if you’re not into it at any time. I know it’s one more subscription, and you definitely get more entertainment value out of your Netflix account, but you are supporting an artist, who is very keen on continuing to evolve her art, exploring new boundaries, and seeing what she can make. Also, we gotta roll with the times and find new ways to spread the joy.
Mostly, I’m turning on paid subscriptions, because I want you to be so engaged with what I make that at the end you’re as obsessed with it as I am, and I want to reward the people who are interested in that process. Also I’d be hella grateful.5
Questions? Fire away in the comments. Otherwise, Patrons will get their first paid post when we’re back from our summer road trip at the beginning of August and I’ll tell you how I fell in love with Cold Wax.
Here’s a sneak peak. Juicy Number 4.
Gallery Wild Drop Off - New Encaustic Works Available!
We dropped off a new collection of paintings at Gallery Wild last week and then went camping for a couple of days. The dogs are cute too. If you want to see all the new works, check out last week’s post and contact the gallery.
Or maybe I am having a mid-life crisis… Only time will tell.
Yes, millennials and younger, I remember watching black and white tvs as a young child. I’m only 44, bite your tongue. My generation has seen more change then you will ever know.
Yes, 100 paintings. I don’t have children, I have the time. And I’m an artist, it’s literally my job to make art and continue learning.
Except for acrylic. It no likey plastics. Wax and plastic are not compatible.
Let’s bring “hella” back. It’ll confuse the youngins and they’ll be mad they didn’t invent it.
I am as much enamoured of your words as I am of your encaustic art. I always fine something that resonates and makes me ponder when I read your ponderings. Many thanks for sharing. xo