2025 is shaping up to be a year of slowing down for me and this post really resonated

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My daughter, you have such a lovely way to see and describe your world. I admire that in you. Not many people can express their feelings with so much authenticity. You are uber talented and I know your thoughts make a difference in the world. I love you. Your father.

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I love your art and I love your writing. Thank you for your insights and publishing them for all of us to see.

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Thank you! I appreciate it.

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Jan 13
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First, gosh, I'm so sorry about your emergency appendectomy. Ugh. I hope you are on the mend and doing ok. Big hugs.

Second, YES. This is the project. I've so much to say surrounding this whole topic. But what if it were just enough to be here, right now, doing whatever it is that you need for you in this moment? Like what if the job right now for you is just to sit there and recover. I too am doing the same thing from a fall last week. I've been pushing through it, but you're right - what if my job right now is to just recover. And it's not about if it's "enough" but it just is.

I actually think curiosity and joy are pretty easy to find IF you let yourself. Like if you pay attention to the smallest things, you'll be curious or find wonder, and from that joy emerges. My dogs show me this every day. And if I let myself, they pull me along into that joy quite easily.

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